Dear student,

Congratulations for securing the seat in BDS course at the SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, Mahabubnagar. You are hereby instructed to abide the following guidelines for the progress of your academic success.

  1. Attend all the classes regularly and take the note of each lecture. Perseverance is the best way for the success.
  2. The student is supposed to spend his/her time in the classrooms, practical halls, hospital and library.
  3. Physical fitness is essential for all the students. Perform exercise for at least ½ an hour in the morning and spend/ spare some time in the evening for playing games.
  4. Take daily balanced diet and maintain your health. Personal hygiene is most important as for as students are concerned.
  5. One of the best methods of learning is “GROUP DISCUSSION ’’. So, instead of wasting your time in gossiping, spend your valuable time in group discussion.
  6. The medium of instruction is English. Therefore improve your knowledge of English. Try to speak in English while you are in the campus of college, hospital and hostels. Purchase one Oxford Dictionary.

All the students should be well versed with the pronunciation of medical/dental terms.  Therefore refer the medical/dental dictionary in case of need.

Appear for all the examinations conducted by the institution from time to time and fare well in the examinations.

There is no place for politics as long as you are in the campus of SVS Institute of Dental Sciences and Hostel.  No one is superior or inferior. 

Top priority is given to maintenance of discipline by the students.  Therefore follow the schedule strictly and maintain strict discipline as long as you are in this institution.

Sincerity, honesty and devotion to your duty will take you to the crescendo of your career.  Always respect your teachers, elders and superiors.

Please do not forget that you are the strong pillars of this institution.  Therefore you should bring good name and fame to this institution, so that when you leave this institution you must feel proud that you are the products of this institution. I wish you all the success. “May God Bless You” for your successful career.


  1. Smoking, consumption of alcohol and narcotic drugs in the campus of College, Hospital and Hostel are strictly prohibited.
  2. Ragging is strictly banned, as it is a punishable crime under the act of 26 of 1997. If any student violates this rule, he or she will be subjected to severe punishment under court of law and   may be expelled from the College.
  3. Participation in the Students Union Elections and Strikes are strictly banned.
  4. Though there is no prescribed uniform for the students of SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, the students are supposed to wear decent formal attire and they are not allowed to wear jeans, T-shirt, sports shoe etc.. Male students should put on formal leather shoes.
  5. Students should respect their teachers and follow their guidelines to improve their academic standards.
  6. The students are instructed to attend all the classes as per the schedule and during leisure time they should study in the Library.
  7. The students should follow strictly the rules and regulations stipulated from time to time by the College authorities for conducting the University examinations and other examinations.
  8. If any student violates these rules he or she will be subjected to disciplinary action as per the rules. Hence they are hereby instructed to maintain strict discipline and to inculcate good habits.
  9. Under any circumstance originals will not be given back till the completion of course.

Students/ Parents are advised to keep sufficient number of photocopies of their original certificates for future use. 

Duties and Responsibilities of Employees

Teaching Faculty/Principal:

  • The main duty of faculty is to teach theory, practicals for BDS & MDS students and thesis guidances for MDS students as per the schedule and syllabus.
  • If required should engage extra classes as and when needed to meet the academic demand.
  • Other duties also includes to attend the duties of invigilation, valuation, question paper setting, examinations, conduct seminars, symposia, workshops, taking charge of laboratory/ class/library, museum, tour/training etc., guiding the students for project work/ paper publications/ presentations, sports/ cultural and social events and any other related activity.
  • They should shoulder the responsibility primarily the completion and revision of syllabus in time, besides accomplishing the tasks like achieving good results, ranks, prizes, awards and rewards.
  • They should also endeavour for getting Research and infrastructural grants.
  • They should also actively take-up any other responsibility/assignment to improve the college performance as decided by the Management/ Director/ Principal from time to time.

Non Teaching staff:

  • They primarily have to perform the duty assigned to them viz., office and administration, laboratories, reception, clinical assistance, library, stores, general maintenance etc., with due diligence and in time.
  • They have to take-up all other works assigned by the Director/ Principal/ Management as and when necessary.


  • They should be devoted to his/her duty and shall maintain absolute integrity, honesty, discipline, impartiality and a sense of decency.
  • They shouldn’t behave in a manner which is derogatory to the prestige of the college.
  • They shouldn’t, by any public utterance, written or otherwise, criticize any policy or action of the management of the college or shall he/she participate in any such criticism.
  • They shouldn’t act in a discourteous or discriminatory manner with the colleague or students in performing his official duties and shall not indulge in sexual harassment in any form either directly or by implication.
  • They shouldn’t remain absent from the place of work without prior intimation.
  • They shouldn’t involve in eve-teasing (sexual harassment) in the college the premises or in the transport vehicles provided by the college.
  • They shouldn’t demand or accept a bribe from students or other employees for the official or regular works in the college.
  • They shouldn’t demand particular facilities or behave indecently during the examination work in the college or during other duty hours of the college.

Note: we shall consider act/actions of the employee, which is not covered in the above and damaging the image of the college as an act of misconduct. The college will take appropriate action as per the general service rules.

The constitution of governing body is as follows







Dr M.Narender Reddy



Dr N.Jithender



Dr Sneha



Dr Sai Krishna



Dr Sree Suma



Dr Tejaswini
