Criterion | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| |
| | |
CRITERIA 2 | | 2.2.3. Extramural Activities
| 2.3.1. Student Learning Methods 2.3.3. Webpage 2.3.5. Analytical Skills and Innovations
| | 2.5.1 a) INTERNAL ASSESSMENTS 2.5.1 B) ACADEMIC CALENDAR pdf 2.5.3. Examination Reforms, Operational Procedures
| 2.6.1. a) Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes 2.6.1. b) Graduate Attributes 2.6.1. c) Method of assessment 2.6.1. d) Revised_BDS_Course_Regulation_2007 2.6.3. a) Specific Course Outcomes 2.6.3. b) MDS_Course_Regulations_2017 2.6.4. a) Procedings of Parent Teacher Meeting 2.6.4. b) Followup Report of PT Meeting 2.6.4. c) PT Annual Report
CRITERIA 3 | Recommended Proposals under Stage 1
| 3.2.1 Innovation Ecosystem
| | 3.4.3 Awards List 3.4.4 Profile
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CRITERIA 4 | 4.1.1 A. List of available teaching and learning facilities 4.1.1 B. Geo-tagged photographs 4.1.2 A. List of available sports and cultural facilities 4.1.2 B. Geo-tagged photographs 4.1.3 Geo-tagged photographs of campus facilities
| 4.2.1 A. List of Facilities 4.2.1 B. Geo-Tagged Photographs
| 4.3.1 A. Geotagged Photographs of Library Facilities 4.3.1 B. Library Software 4.3.2 A. Geotagged Photographs of Relavant Library Sections 4.3.2 B. Accession Register 4.3.2 C. List of Subscribed Journals 4.3.5 A. 4.3.5 A. Library Usage Register 4.3.5 B. Details of Library User Programmes 4.3.6 Institutional LMS
| 4.4.2 IT assets | 4.5.2 A.Minutes of meeting 4.5.2 B. Log Book
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CRITERIA 5 | 5.1.1 Consolidated Document of Scholarships 2016-2021 5.1.2 b) Certificates of Capacity Enhancement Programmes 5.1.2 a) Capacity Enhancement Programmes 5.1.3 Career Guidance Programme 5.1.4. International Student Cell 5.1.5 Anti Ragging Student Redressal Sexual Harasment
| | 5.3.2 Reports on Student Council Activities
| 5.4.1 Alumni registraion 5.4.1 b) Details of Alumni Association Activities 5.4.1 MINUTES OF MEETING ALUMNI- WITH CIRCULARS AND REPORTS 5.4.2 Alumni Audit Report 5.4.2 Quantum of Financial Contribution
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CRITERIA 6 | 6.1.1 a Vision and Mission Document 6.1.1 b Results 6.1.1 c Results 6.1.2 a Decentralization and Participative Management 6.1.2 b Decentralization and Participative Management
| 6.2.1 a Strategic Plan Document 6.2.1 b Organisational Structure 6.2.1 c Minutes of the College Council 6.2.1 d Strategic Plan Document
| 6.3.1 a) Policy Document on Welfare Measures 6.3.1 b) Circular 6.3.1 c) Circular 6.3.5 a Performance Appraisal System 6.3.5 b Performance Appraisal System Relavent Document
| 6.4.1 a Resource Mobilization Policy Document 6.4.1 b Optimal Resource Utilization 6.4.1 c Optimal Resource Utilization 6.4.2 a Audited Statements from 2016 to 2021 6.4.2 b Institution Conducts Internal and External Financial Audits Regularly
| 6.5.1a IQAC Structure 6.5.1b IQAC Minutes of Meeting 6.5.1c IQAC OTHER RELEVANT INFO
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CRITERIA 7 | 7.1.2 Any Other Relavent Information 7.1.2 Special Facilities for Women 7.1.2. Gender Sensitization Annual Plan 7.1.3 Installation Receipts 7.1.3 Geotagged Pics 7.1.4 Geotagged Pics 7.1.4 MOU 7.1.5 Geo tagged Photos 7.1.6 Geo tagged Photos 7.1.6 Visitor Instruction 7.1.8 Geo tagged Photos 7.1.8 Supportive Documents 7.1.9 Info About Committee 7.1.9 Monitoring Committee 7.1.9 professional Ethics Awareness
| 7.2 Best Practices 7.2 Geotagged Photos
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CRITERIA 8 | 8.1.4 BDS ORIENTATION CIRCULAR 8.1.4 BDS ORIENTATION REPORT 8.1.4 MDS ORIENTATION CIRCULAR 8.1.8 Geotagged Photos 8.1.8 List of Competencies 8.1.8 Reports on List and Steps 8.1.10 Dental Graduate Attribute List of Teachers List of Seminars Relevant Inforamtion
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